Hosptitality, Prayer, Formation and Service, to lead souls to Everlasting Life with our Savior, Jesus Christ
"Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid." (John 14:27)
When we let the daily pressures of life trouble us, we begin to believe that we alone are responsible for taking care of everything. This causes us to frantically cling to both our time and treasure. Yet, Jesus tells us not to be troubled or afraid!! Take a deep breath and place your trust in God. When you do, you can be a better steward of all that God has placed in your care. Be at peace....
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The Spiritual Priciples of Christian Stewardship are Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving, expressed in relationship to: God through Prayer, Ourselves (by fasting), and our Neighbors (by charity/almsgiving).
In relationship to God, we want to know his guidelines and directions for the use of our money and possessions. Biblical stewardship has always been a proportional model, percentage based responsibility before God, both in the Old and New Testament. Tithing, 10%, in the Deuteronomy and in Malachi. And Jesus assumed that it was necessary, devoting sixteen out of thirty-eight parables to use of money and possessions.
Over and above our basic tithe (10%) should be the special offerings or for those unique occurences, like the hurricanes or floods. Our tithe should include the Diocese, about 1%, for the Bishop's Appeal or special projects.
Remeber that our investments, retirement accounts and properties can also be included in giving at the "end of life" through Planned Giving. In these ways, we contribute in a huge way, especially after our children are grown and on their own.