Hosptitality, Prayer, Formation and Service, to lead souls to Everlasting Life with our Savior, Jesus Christ
Mission Statement:
Our purpose is to unite all women in friendship for the love of God and to work for the Spiritual and Material good of the Parish and church committees.
Altar Society Prayer:
Lord, Eternal God, we ask for our awareness, be made known to us, that without our Divine Presence, in the center of our lives, and within ourselves, our work will be empty. Grace us with your Wisdom and Vision, so that not only in our lives, but in our works, we may have a place in your kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the Unity of the Holy Spirit, now and Forever. Amen
The Altar Society ministry includes maintenance of vestments, candles, altar clothes, and other sacramentals. They also ensure the church is appropriately decorated for liturgical celebrations. Included in its mission is the spiritual enrichment of the women of the parish.
An annual Garage Sale provides extra funds for special needs of the Church or other ministry efforts for the poor or needy. As a service to the Catholic Community, we sell religious articles after the weekend Masses. The profit from this endeavor is used to help enhance and maintain the church sanctuary.